Pink Camp Facilities and Pricing
At Pink Camp, we provide electricity, hot and cold water, toilets, showers, WiFi, waste disposal, and parking. Considering the rising energy costs, we believe the following rates are fair. All campers at Pink Camp are asked to check in and register. After registration, you will receive a confirmation sticker.
JUMPERS (and their families):
Tent: €35 per season (May or August) for stays longer than 5 nights
Caravan: €75 per season (May or August) for stays longer than 5 nights
Please place the camping fee sticker visibly on your tent or caravan.
Rates per Night (for stays of less than 5 nights):
Caravan: €15 per night
Tent: €7 per night
Outside Boogie Events (payable daily):
Caravan: €15 per night
Tent: €7 per night
The same rates apply, but for caravans, the rate is
per person:
Boogie Events: €50 / €75 per person
Per Night: €7 / €15 per person
Thank you for your fairness!
Jumpers have the option to store their caravans at the camp for free over the winter if they make at least 10 jumps per year in Klatovy. To prove this, please attach your manifest account statement to the window of your caravan at the end of the season. Your caravan must be marked. If you do not complete 10 jumps, a winter storage fee of €425 per caravan will apply.